Cortex Mobile 1.1.2 is now available

Cortex Mobile 1.1.2 is now available on the App Store and Google Play.
The number of times an item has been Starred is now displayed.
The Public/Private visibility control has been moved to the Preset/Capture page to make it quicker to change the setting.
The share button has been moved outside of the contextual menu to make it easier to access.
URLs of shared links now begin with https
An issue where deep links would not work correctly after tapping multiple links when the app is open.
An issue where the keyboard would not disappear when editing a Preset or Capture.
An issue where native auto-correct would force capitalization in usernames.
An issue where users could star their own public items by searching or following a universal link to them.
An issue where erroneous characters would cause unexpected behavior on the Edit Details screen.
An issue where UI elements would disappear when scrolling to the bottom of the Impulse Responses page.
An issue where the number of stars an item has would not be synchronised between the search results, user profile, and item details pages.
Several minor UI and performance improvements