Quad Cortex Development Update #17

Formerly Quad Cortex Development Update - December 2020
Work on Quad Cortex has continued throughout the holiday season, and we wanted to provide a quick update to inform you of recent changes.
The Neural Capture process continues to be improved. We have optimised the consistency and reduced computational errors in the network training at the heart of Neural Capture. We will also be adding the following Captures:
Aguilar® AG700®
Aguilar® DB751®
Aguilar® Tone Hammer® 500
Fender® Hot Rod® Deluxe
Marshall® 2555 Silver Jubilee®
Marshall® JCM® 800 (2210)
Mesa/Boogie® Trem-O-Verb®
We have detected and solved USB audio glitches in some edge cases, specifically with some Macs running High Sierra.
We are continuing to test Presets and unusual virtual device block combinations.
Manufacturing is ongoing, including the changes we outlined in our last update. We encountered a slight delay caused by logistics and availability due to some vendors’ holidays.
As we whittle the remaining tasks down to the last few items, updates will be short and farther apart. Do not take this to imply progress has halted. Sometimes several days can pass before any significant changes have been made and successfully tested. This is to be expected at this stage of product development.
We hope you’ve had an enjoyable holiday, and we wish you the very happiest of new years.