IR Loading! - Quad Cortex Development Update #13

Formerly Quad Cortex Development Update - October 2020
Using custom IRs is at the heart of how our users like to use our plugins. We didn’t expect Quad Cortex to be any different. When we set about building the IR capabilities on Quad Cortex, we wanted to use the same intuitive interface our plugins are renowned for, with mic positioning adjustments being effortless with the multi-touch display. We also wanted to make loading IRs as simple as possible, with no requirement for cables or additional software.

Quad Cortex has 256 slots for user IRs. Once you have paired your Quad Cortex to your Neural account, you can log in to Cortex Cloud to upload IRs. Navigate to your profile on Cortex Cloud and click “Impulse Responses” under “My Files”. The IRs on your Neural account will display here.

Drag-and-drop your IRs onto the upload box, and Cortex Cloud will process & verify them.

Once the upload is complete, the IRs will be available to download on your Quad Cortex. This process typically takes less than 2 minutes.

Custom IRs utilize the same interface as the factory IRs on Quad Cortex.

To load a custom IR, tap the IR currently being used in the Cabsim device, then tap "Load IR" to browse the Directory.

You can manage IRs in the Directory the same way you can manage Presets and Neural Captures.

You can also manage IRs on your Neural account via the Cortex website and Cortex Mobile app.
It will also be possible to transfer IRs to Quad Cortex via Cortex Desktop when it is available. We may increase the number of IR slots available on Quad Cortex and Cortex Cloud after the launch period.