Cortex Cloud update: Search and performance improvements

We’ve made significant updates to Cortex Cloud (app and web), focusing on search accuracy, performance, and overall user experience. These improvements are now live.
What’s new?
Enhanced search algorithm
Search results for Neural Captures and Presets now load significantly faster.
Search now prioritizes titles and tags, making results more relevant.
Search result ranking has been improved, returning more relevant results in a refined order.
The system no longer floods results with weak matches. This makes searches more focused and accurate.
Other important changes
To improve speed and relevance, search now only matches terms from the beginning of a word. For example, searching “Fend” will return Fender®-related results, but “nder” will not.
Why these changes?
Since the launch of Nano Cortex last year, Cortex Cloud traffic has surged, leading to slower performance. These updates ensure that Cortex Cloud remains fast and efficient as traffic continues to grow.
We have also received valuable feedback from the community, helping us refine search accuracy. These updates are the first step toward delivering more accurate and intuitive results.
We’ll continue fine-tuning search and performance based on feedback. Stay tuned for more improvements.
If you encounter any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@neuraldsp.com.

Introducing Archetype: Tim Henson X