Knowledge base > Getting started
Downloading, installing, and activating plugins
This guide will walk you through the process of downloading, installing, and activating plugins.
Once you've connected your audio interface to your computer, created an iLok account, and installed iLok License Manager, it’s time to download and install a plugin.
We offer a 14-day free trial for all of our guitar and bass plugins, giving you the opportunity to try them all out and discover which one is the perfect fit for your sound.
When you're ready to purchase a license, the license will grant you access to all future updates and enhancements to your plugin for free.
This guide will walk you through the process of downloading, installing, and activating plugins.
How to download, install, and activate a free trial
Step 1 - Downloading and installing a plugin
Head over to the plugins page and click the “Free trial” button for the plugin you wish to try. Download the appropriate installer for your operating system (macOS or Windows).
Install the plugin by launching the downloaded installer file and following the on-screen instructions.
During the plugin installation process, a “Complete” installation will automatically install all the different plugin formats Neural DSP plugins come in (Standalone, AU, VST, VST3, and AAX).
Standalone - The standalone version of the plugin that can be used without a DAW.
AU - a plugin format developed by Apple for use with macOS. This format is only included with the MacOS installers.
VST - a multi-platform format, compatible across multiple DAWs on both MacOS and Windows.
VST3 - an improved version of the VST format, also multi-platform and compatible across multiple DAWs on both MacOS and Windows.
AAX - a Pro Tools native format. This format can only be used within the Avid Pro Tools environment.
You can also perform a ‘Custom install’, where you can install only the format(s) you need.
Note: if you didn’t install the required plugin format for your DAW during the initial installation, run the plugin installer again and reinstall it with the plugin format(s) you need.
Step 2 - Activating your 14-day free trial
After installing the plugin, run it by opening the standalone version or loading it within a DAW. When the plugin interface opens, click on the "Try" button.

You will then be asked to log in to your iLok account. After logging in, your 14-day trial will be added to your iLok account automatically.
How to download, install, and activate a purchased license
Step 1 - Create a Neural DSP account
You can create a Neural DSP account here. Fill out the registration form with a username, your email address, and a strong password and then click “Create”.
Once you've created your account, log in using your email address and password.
Step 2 - Link your iLok account to your Neural DSP account
Link your iLok account to your Neural DSP account by inputting your iLok account ID in the form under your account settings.
You'll then receive an email asking you to confirm your iLok username. Click "Verify Your iLok Username" in the email to confirm your account.
After confirmation, your iLok account will be linked to your Neural DSP profile.
Step 3 - Purchase a license
Before purchasing a license, make sure your iLok account is created and linked to your Neural DSP account. Additionally, make sure you have installed iLok License Manager on your computer.
Purchase a license by visiting the product page of the plugin you want to buy, adding it to your cart (or pressing “Buy now”), and completing the steps for purchasing.
The purchased license will be deposited to your iLok account automatically after the checkout.
Step 4 - Download and install the plugin
After checkout you will be redirected to an order confirmation page with links to download the plugin installer file. Download the appropriate installer for your operating system (macOS or Windows).
Install the plugin by launching the downloaded installer file and following the on-screen instructions.
Note: if you purchased a plugin you have already tried and have installed, you do not need to re-download the plugin.
During the plugin installation process, a “Complete” installation will automatically install all the different plugin formats Neural DSP plugins come in (Standalone, AU, VST, VST3, and AAX).
Standalone - The standalone version of the plugin. You can run it without a DAW.
AU - a plugin format developed by Apple for use with macOS. This format is only included with the MacOS installers.
VST - a multi-platform format, compatible across multiple DAWs on both MacOS and Windows.
VST3 - an improved version of the VST format, also multi-platform and compatible across multiple DAWs on both MacOS and Windows.
AAX - a Pro Tools native format. This format can only be used within the Avid Pro Tools environment.
You can also perform a ‘Custom install’, where you can install only the format(s) you need.
Note: if you didn’t install the required plugin format for your DAW during the initial installation, run the plugin installer again and reinstall it with the plugin format(s) you need.
Step 5 - Activate your license
After installing the plugin, run it by opening the standalone version or loading it within a DAW. When the plugin interface opens, click on the "Activate" button.

Press “Skip” when presented with the Activation Code Entry screen.
Log in to your iLok account when prompted and activate the license on your machine.
Your license will then be activated.
Guides for getting started with plugins
Creating an iLok account and downloading iLok License Manager
Downloading, installing and activating plugins

All our plugins have a 14-day free trial
Download a free trial of any of our guitar or bass plugins and take your tone to the next level.