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Knowledge baseNewsFree trials have been reset for X-updated plugins!
November 11, 2024

Free trials have been reset for X-updated plugins!

We’re excited to announce that we’re resetting trials for our X-updated plugins exclusively for users who tried the original versions before they received the X updates. This reset gives eligible users a chance to experience the enhanced features of the X versions at no cost.

Additionally, the next plugins scheduled to receive X-updates are Archetype: Petrucci and Archetype: Rabea, and we have reset the trials for these in advance, so you’ll be ready to explore their enhanced features upon release.

Who’s eligible? If you tried the original version of any of these plugins before it was updated to the X version, you’re eligible for this reset:

  • Archetype: Petrucci (trials started before November 7th, 2024)

  • Archetype: Rabea (trials started before November 7th, 2024)

  • Archetype: Cory Wong X (trials started before September 17th, 2024)

  • Archetype: Nolly X (trials started before July 10th, 2024)

  • Parallax X (trials started before June 18th, 2024)

  • Soldano SLO-100 X (trials started before April 15th, 2024)

  • Fortin Nameless Suite X (trials started before April 12th, 2024)

  • Archetype: Gojira X (trials started before December 27th, 2023)

  • Archetype: Plini X (trials started before October 4th, 2023)

License activation instructions

If you are eligible for the trial reset, you will need to manually activate your extended trial. Please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Launch the iLok License Manager app by searching for it in your computer’s Start menu (Windows) or the Applications folder (macOS).

Step 2: Sign in using your iLok username and password. If you have multiple accounts, ensure you log in to the account where your initial trial license was deposited.

Step 3: In the top menu, next to the iLok License Manager logo, select the ‘Available’ tab.

Step 4: Right-click on the license for the plugin you wish to activate, and select ‘Activate’. Trial extensions will be listed as ‘Trial Extension’ in the Type column.

Step 5: Choose the location (e.g. your computer) where you want to activate the license, then press ‘Activate’. Your extended license is now active.

Step 6: Download the installer file for the plugin whose extended license you just activated. All plugin installer files are available on our Downloads page.

Step 7: Install the plugin. For detailed steps, refer to our guide on downloading, installing, and activating plugins.

Step 8: After installing, launch the plugin by opening the standalone version or loading it within a DAW.

If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is always here to help. You can contact us by emailing

Take advantage of this opportunity to try the X-updated plugins!

If you’re eligible, activate your free trial reset now to experience the upgraded features of our X-updated plugins. Download the installer files from our Downloads page.